
Backup and sync not opening
Backup and sync not opening

Optional ways to uninstall Google Backup and Sync from the computer Way 1: Use Program and Features in Windows' Control Panel

backup and sync not opening

To disconnect Backup and Sync account, pause or uninstall Google Backup and Sync, the following instructions will show you how to do. Removing Google Backup and Sync program on the PC can clear out all of these items effectively. When finish to install the program on the computer, you will find that there are three new apps' shortcuts added to the desktop: Google docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, even though, you don't need to worry about you should remove them one by one when tend to delete Google Backup and Sync from the computer. Different from the common files saving on the computer's hard drive, it is more convenient and easier for people to access to these content on anywhere and any device. Google Backup and Sync allows people to store their important files from their devices like computer, camera and tablet in the cloud.

backup and sync not opening

When you need to uninstall Google Backup and Sync from your Windows computer for some reasons, the following removal instructions might be helpful for you. Google Backup and Sync is a storage tool that allows people back up and sync their personal files and folders online.

Backup and sync not opening