If not obtained there, it can be acquired by killing HECU Engineers who will drop them. This weapon is first obtained in the middle of the chapter Welcome to Black Mesa, where a Black Mesa security guard dies by electricity shock when trying to open the generator gate near the crashed Osprey Heliplane. 357, but decreases the rate of fire, although it stays faster than the. This activates a laser that makes the weapon as accurate as the. The second mode is activated by hitting the alternate fire key. The first one, automatic, is the primary firing mode.

357 Magnum revolver at first glance, there is a major difference between them the Desert Eagle has two firing modes. The Desert Eagle is a powerful sidearm that holds seven rounds of. Sounds like a developer we know.An example of the laser sight on a Shock Trooper. When will it be released? "We have always gone for a 'when it's done' approach," says the development team. Over on the Black Mesa Facebook page is a short update: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! The Great Oz has spoken!"īlack Mesa: Source has been in development for a whopping eight years. Oh, and the music was added by LG - it is not from the game itself. Again, the footage is taken from an old and, according to LG, outdated mod development build. The second video, of terrible quality, was published on, and shows footage from the Surface Tension chapter. Apparently, this is simply the weapon's zoom feature made available in the single-player portion of the game. Fans have been quick to criticise what looks like the use of iron sights for the.

The first video, published by, shows the On a Rail chapter from Half-Life, and is captured from a "fairly old build" of the modification, built using the latest version of the Source engine. Gameplay videos of Black Mesa, the long-awaited modder-made Half-Life remake, have hit the internet.